Results for 'César Germán Castellanos Domínguez'

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  1.  36
    Selección efectiva de características para bioseñales utilizando el análisis de componentes principales.Jorge Hernando Rivera, César Germán Castellanos Domínguez & José Adalberto Soto Mejía - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Modelo de variables latentes para la identificación del infarto agudo del miocardio análisis de componentes independientes.Jorge Hernando Rivera, César Germán Castellanos Domínguez & José Adalberto Soto Mejía - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Caracterización multicanal no lineal de señales EMG con la transformada Hilbert-Huang.M. Pinzón, Rubén Darío, Alvaro Angel Orozco Gutiérrez & César Germán Castellanos Domínguez - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    In 1837/1838: World Literature and Law.César Domínguez - 2020 - Critical Inquiry 47 (1):28-48.
    However diverse and even conflicting definitions of world literature may be, there is a consensus in previous scholarship about circulation as a key defining feature. Being circulation modeled and (in)validated by a corpus of statutes, rules, and regulations, the absence of a law-oriented approach to world literature appears completely contradictory. This essay is a first step toward a more sustained treatment of world literature and law. Here I claim that in the late 1830s the history of world literature as mastered (...)
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  5. A Self-Applied Multi-Component Psychological Online Intervention Based on UX, for the Prevention of Complicated Grief Disorder in the Mexican Population During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Protocol of a Randomized Clinical Trial.Alejandro Dominguez-Rodriguez, Sofia Cristina Martínez-Luna, María Jesús Hernández Jiménez, Anabel De La Rosa-Gómez, Paulina Arenas-Landgrave, Esteban Eugenio Esquivel Santoveña, Carlos Arzola-Sánchez, Joabián Alvarez Silva, Arantza Mariel Solis Nicolas, Ana Marisa Colmenero Guadián, Flor Rocio Ramírez-Martínez & Rosa Olimpia Castellanos Vargas - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: COVID-19 has taken many lives worldwide and due to this, millions of persons are in grief. When the grief process lasts longer than 6 months, the person is in risk of developing Complicated Grief Disorder. The CGD is related to serious health consequences. To reduce the probability of developing CGD a preventive intervention could be applied. In developing countries like Mexico, the psychological services are scarce, self-applied interventions could provide support to solve this problem and reduce the health impact (...)
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    El Barroco en disputa: Carl Schmitt y Walter Benjamin entre lo estético y lo político.Donovan Adrián Hernández Castellanos - 2013 - Signos Filosóficos 15 (29):71-102.
    El presente artículo es un estudio comparativo donde se argumenta la relación disonante entre las obras de Schmitt y Benjamin sobre la estética barroca. Se defiende que la diferencia entre ambos consiste en su concepción de lo político. Para Benjamin, son dos los aspectos fundamentales del Trauerspiel alemán: 1) la diferencia entre drama barroco y tragedia clásica y 2) el recurso a la alegoría como técnica de expresión. Schmitt, por su parte, encuentra lo singular del drama barroco en la irrupción (...)
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  7.  13
    Editorial: Futsal Research and Challenges for Sport Development.Cesar Méndez-Dominguez, Fábio Y. Nakamura & Bruno Travassos - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Análisis termodinámico de especies cianuradas de oro, plata y cobre sometidas a cementación con zinc y aluminio.Julio César Pérez Domínguez & Oscar Fabián Higuera Cobos - forthcoming - Scientia.
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  9. Biblioteca Virtual Del Pensamiento Filosofico En Colombia.Manuel Domínguez Miranda, Erika Tanacs, Germán Marquínez Argote, Rey Fajardo & José del (eds.) - 2006 - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Pensar.
  10.  85
    (1 other version)Sobre los orígenes de la Matemática abstracta.Domínguez José Ferreiros - 1992 - Theoria 7 (1/2/3):473-498.
    Dedekind used to refer to Riemann as his main model concerning mathematical methodology, particularly regarding the use of abstract notions as a basis for mathematical theories. So, in passages written in 1876 and 1895 he compared his approach to ideal theory with Riemann’s theory of complex functions. In this paper, I try to make sense of those declarations, showing the role of abstract notions in Riemann’s function theory, its influence on Dedekind, and the importance of the methodological principle of avoiding (...)
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    Sobre los diferentes ritmos del derecho y la Inteligencia Artificial. La desincronización como patología social.César Ortega Esquembre - 2023 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 90:147-161.
    The aim of this paper is to study the temporal de-synchronization that occurs, within the European Union (EU), between technological innovations in Artificial Intelligence and its legal regulations. To do that, I base on a thesis formulated by Hartmut Rosa, a German sociologist close to the Critical Theory of society, according to which the temporal structures of politics are no longer compatible with the pace of change in some others social spheres. This produces a new form of social pathology, which (...)
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    Filosofi vecchi e nuovi: Scheler, Hegel, Kant, Fichte.Cesare Luporini - 1981 - Roma: Editori riuniti.
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    Reseña de “Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y Competencia Digital Docente en Educación Infantil” de Delfín Ortega-Sánchez.César Barba-Alonso - 2023 - Clío: History and History Teaching 49:356-358.
    Título: Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales y Competencia Digital Docente en Educación Infantil. Autor: Delfín Ortega-Sánchez Edición: Narcea Lugar de publicación: Madrid Año: 2022 Idioma: Castellano ISBN: 978-84-277-2897-4 Páginas: 93.
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  14. Blanquitud y Sumak Kawsay.Fausto César Quizhpe Gualán - 2022 - Quito, Ecuador: Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar Sede Ecuador.
    Este trabajo critica la categoría blanquitud, en la corriente iniciada por Bolívar Echeverría. El método que se utiliza es el transdisciplinario, como pretensión de disolución de las parcelas de conocimiento. Se toma tres campos filosóficos: la Teología de la liberación; la Filosofía de la liberación y la Filosofía indígena. En el análisis lingüístico se utiliza como herramienta, la poesía y novela de Rosario Castellanos, Elena Poniatowska, Gioconda Belli y Ernesto Cardenal. El lugar de enunciación es el pueblo kichwa Saraguro. (...)
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  15.  29
    Une pensée sans images? Phantasie et Bild dans les traités de l’histoire de l’Être.César Gómez Algarra - 2023 - Studia Phaenomenologica 23:115-138.
    In his conference “The Age of the World Picture” (1938), Heidegger displays a strong criticism of the concept of image (Bild). More precisely, the German philosopher rejects any consideration of the image, as he correlates the image with the process of subjective representation (Vorstellung). At first glance, that position does not seem to change in his posthumous works written from 1930 to 1940, where Heidegger develops his Ereignis-thinking. However, a more thorough study of the writings (from the Beiträge zur Philosophie (...)
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    Heidegger: la relación de su pensar con la antropología.Luis César Santiesteban - 2005 - Signos Filosóficos 7 (13):73-103.
    The main contribution of this paper is first of all to explain some notions that Heidegger adopts from Aristotle as well as Saint Agustin with a view to the elaboration of his analytic of Dasein. It also tries to show the ambivalent characteristic of the relationship between the German philosophe..
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  17.  37
    Identificación de voces Por auditores profanos no nativos.Claudia Rosas, Jorge Sommerhoff & César Sáez - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:129-150.
    Resumen Auditores chilenos no entrenados y sin conocimientos del alemán deben identificar dentro de una secuencia de voces en alemán la voz de una mujer alemana que habló previamente en español con un retardo de 2 horas. Los enunciados fueron emitidos por estudiantes alemanas nativas de la Universität Regensburg. Los resultados muestran que los auditores identifican la voz original, pero con imprecisión al otorgarle, dentro de una escala de 1 a 7, el mayor puntaje a la voz objetivo por sobre (...)
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  18.  13
    Contribución a la traducción de la Ciencia de la lógica de Hegel al castellano.Javier Fabo Lanuza - 2020 - Quaderns de Filosofia 7 (1):85.
    Resumen: En este trabajo me propongo analizar, comentar y discutir algunas opcio- nes traductoras adoptadas por F. Duque en su monumental edición de la Ciencia de la lógica. Concretamente, me centraré en la traducción de los términos alemanes: “Daseyn”, “Unwesen”, “Auslegung” y “ausgeführte [Zweck]”, que cotejaré puntual- mente con las principales traducciones extranjeras, así como con la castellana de R. Mondolfo, no tanto para retomar su terminología, cuanto para valorar y calibrar mejor la de Duque, en la idea de que (...)
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  19.  8
    Giulio Cesare Vanini nella cultura filosofica tedesca del Sette e Ottocento: da Brucker a Schopenhauer.Domenico M. Fazio - 1995 - Galatina (Le): Congedo.
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  20.  22
    Los límites exteriores del capitalismo en la «crítica de la economía política» de Marx. Sobre la interpretación de César Ruiz Sanjuán de la articulación de historia y sistema en Marx.Oscar Cubo - 2019 - Quaderns de Filosofia 6 (2):131.
    The Outer Limits of Capitalism in Marx's «Critique of Political Economy». On César Ruiz Sanjuán's Interpretation of the Articulation of History and System in Marx. Resumen: Se ha publicado recientemente en castellano una investigación rigurosa y pionera acerca de la compleja articulación que mantienen la historia y la exposición del sistema capitalista en el proyecto de una «crítica de la economía política» de Marx. Este trabajo pretende exponer y discutir las aportaciones interpretativas abiertas por el libro deCésar Ruiz Sanjuán: (...)
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  21.  48
    Peter Becker and Richard F. Wetzell , Criminals and Their Scientists: The History of Criminology in International Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press and Washington, DC: German Historical Institute, 2006. Pp. xiii+492. ISBN 978-0-521-81012-8. £60.00, $85.00 .Cesare Lombroso, Criminal Man. Translated and with a new Introduction by Mary Gibson and Nicole Hahn Rafter. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2006. Pp. xvii+424. ISBN 0-8223-3723-1. £15.95. [REVIEW]Roger Smith - 2008 - British Journal for the History of Science 41 (4):619.
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  22.  8
    Cratilo, o, Del lenguaje. Plato & Vicente Bécares Botas - 1982 - Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. Edited by Vicente Bécares Botas.
    El Cratilo, verdadera primicia de la filosofía del lenguaje, es una de las obras más difíciles salidas de la pluma de Platón. De un lado, en él se esbozan ideas de gramática y semiótica –semántica, sintáctica y pragmática–, se analiza el lenguaje griego real y se esboza un lenguaje ideal; del otro, está tachado por la enorme dificultad que le imprimen el tono irónico de Sócrates y el anonimato de sus interlocutores, la larga y misteriosa lista de etimologías y la (...)
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    La idea de actualidad/actuality en Zubiri y en la dinámica de su metafísica.Nelson Orringer - 2022 - Claridades. Revista de Filosofía 14 (2):35-48.
    En el año 2020, Pedro J. Chamizo Domínguez publicó dos estudios, el uno en inglés, el otro en castellano, enfocados en el problema de traducir el sustantivo inglés «actuality» a múltiples idiomas europeos. Arguía que, por resultado de algún cambio semántico en su evolución, dos lenguas-- por ejemplo, el inglés y el castellano-- comparten por lo menos uno de los sentidos de su significante, diferenciándose con respecto a los demás sentidos, y que esta diferencia de sentido, (presente en todas (...)
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  24. Berlín.Maurice Blanchot - 2019 - Discusiones Filosóficas 20 (34):187-190. Translated by Facundo Bey.
    El presente texto de Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003) apareció por primera vez en una traducción al italiano de Guido Neri bajo el título “II nome Berlino” [El nombre Berlín], publicado en 1964 en la revista literaria dirigida por Elio Vittorini e Italo Calvino Il menabó 7, año 6, pp. 121-25. El texto original en francés se extravió y, con la autorización del propio Blanchot, Hélène Jelen y Jean-Luc Nancy tradujeron la versión italiana al francés para publicarla en 1983 como “Le Nom (...)
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  25. L'aristotelismo cristiano di Marcel De Corte.Danilo Castellano - 1975 - Firenze: P. Cipriani.
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    Análisis de las adicciones comportamentales en el siglo XXI.Soledad Quero Castellano, Juana María Bretón López, Cristina Botella Arbona, Rosa María Baños Rivera & Azucena García-Palacios - 2007 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 50:34-43.
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    Enseñar filosofía: homenaje a Pablo Castellanos.Pablo Castellanos López, Manuel Díaz Cid, Jorge Navarro Campos & Fidencio Aguilar Víquez (eds.) - 2005 - Puebla: UPAEP.
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  28. Beyond Physiology: Embodied Experience, Embodied Advantage, and the Inclusion of Transgender Athletes in Competitive Sport.Cesar R. Torres, Francisco Javier Lopez Frias & María José Martínez Patiño - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):33-49.
    In this article, we scrutinize views that justify exclusionary policies regarding transgender athletes based primarily on physiological criteria. We introduce and examine some elements that deserve...
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    (2 other versions)What Counts As Part of a Game? A Look at Skills.Cesar R. Torres - 2000 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 27 (1):81-92.
  30. Some Challenges to a Contrastive Treatment of Grounding.Amir A. Javier-Castellanos - 2014 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):184-192.
    Jonathan Schaffer has provided three putative counterexamples to the transitivity of grounding, and has argued that a contrastive treatment of grounding is able to provide a resolution to them, which in turn provides some motivation for accepting such a treatment. In this article, I argue that one of these cases can easily be turned into a putative counterexample to a principle which Schaffer calls differential transitivity. Since Schaffer's proposed resolution rests on this principle, this presents a dilemma for the contrastivist: (...)
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  31.  85
    Quantifier Variance, Ontological Pluralism and Ideal Languages.A. Arturo Javier-Castellanos - 2019 - Philosophical Quarterly 69 (275):277-293.
    Kris McDaniel has recently defended a criterion for being an ontological pluralist that classifies the quantifier variantist as one. In this paper, I argue that this is a mistake. There is an important difference between the two views, which is sometimes obscured by a common view in the metaphysics of fundamentality. According to the simple analysis, a language is ideal—it allows for a maximally metaphysically perspicuous description of reality—just in case all its primitives are perfectly natural. I argue that this (...)
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  32. Conceptos, conexiones causales y conexiones normativas.Federico Castellano - 2015 - In Mariela Aguilera, Laura Danón, Carolina Scotto & Elisabeth Camp, Conceptos, lenguaje y cognición. [Córdoba, Argentina]: Editorial Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
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  33. Don Quijote y las matemáticas.Luis Balbuena Castellano - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 38:105-110.
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  34. Filosofía, ciencia y revolucion.Juan Mario Castellanos - 1972 - San Salvador,: Editorial Universitaria.
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    Introduzione allo studio delle opere di Benedetto Croce.Giovanni Castellano - 1920 - Bari,: G. Laterza & figli.
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    Self-Portrait.Rosario Castellanos & Beth Miller - 1976 - Feminist Studies 3 (3/4):63.
  37.  65
    The transformation of the state extensive growth model in Cuba's sugarcane agriculture.Lázaro Peña Castellanos & Jose Alvarez - 1996 - Agriculture and Human Values 13 (1):59-68.
    The high levels of land use, inputs, and investment, along with the specific forms of organization and management that characterized Cuba's state extensive growth model during the 1980s, could not overcome the challenges posed by the integrated care required by the sugarcane crop and corresponding industrial activities. Starting in 1993, large state farms have been converted into Basic Units of Cooperative Production with some degree of autonomy. Although first-year production results are not satisfactory, it is too early to evaluate their (...)
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  38. Un inédito de San Buenaventura.A. Castellano I. Tresserra & A. Bordas I. Llavat - 1996 - Verdad y Vida 54 (215-16):251-263.
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    (1 other version)Should the Number of Overlapping Experiencers Count?A. Arturo Javier-Castellanos - 2021 - Erkenntnis:1-23.
    According to the cohabitation account, all the persons that result from a fission event cohabit the same body prior to fission. This article concerns a problem for this account. Suppose Manuel and Jimena are suffering from an equally painful migraine. Unlike Jimena, however, Manuel will undergo fission. Assuming you have a spare painkiller, whom should you give it to? Intuitively, you have no more reason to give it to one or the other. The problem is that the cohabitation account suggests (...)
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  40.  35
    A just organized youth sport.Cesar R. Torres & Francisco Javier López Frías - 2023 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 50 (1):83-99.
    Organized youth sport has become a prominent activity in Western societies, one around which myriad families structure their daily lives. Despite its popularity, or rather because of it, youth sport is besotted with complex problems. One distinctive set of problems pertains to children’s opportunities to benefit from engagement in sport. Such problems require a reflection on the conditions of justice. The goal of this paper is to explore ethical guidelines to make youth sport more just. The paper begins by characterizing (...)
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  41. Large-scale brain systems in ADHD: Beyond the prefrontal–striatal model.F. Xavier Castellanos & Erika Proal - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (1):17-26.
  42.  15
    Entre erros férteis e verdades anódinas: sobre “Foucault, a arqueologia e as palavras e as coisas: cinquenta anos depois”, de Ivan Domingues.Cesar Candiotto - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (4):109-126.
    The aim of this paper is to provide an appreciation of Michel Foucault’s The Order of Things reception, from the latest book by Ivan Domingues entitled “Foucault, a arqueologia e As palavras e as coisas: cinquenta anos depois” (Ed. UFMG, 2023). One of the scopes of the book is to examine the range of The Order of Things and its archaeological strategy to account for the presentation of the birth of human sciences, as well as its fragility and instability in (...)
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  43. Storia di una parola letteraria: it. vago. AGI 48 (1963) 126-169. S.Castellano Angela - 1964 - Paideia 19:330.
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    Kronogenetske institucije kao kategoričke jezgre vremenskih ideja.Duzan Dussier Avila Castellanos & Íñigo Ongay de Felipe - 2024 - Synthesis Philosophica 39 (1):91-115.
    This paper explores the genesis of the concept of time, analysing how the initial methods, techniques and institutions employed by early human groups to measure environmental changes became increasingly aligned with human activities, thereby forming the basis of our modern understanding of time. Adopting a discontinuous materialist perspective, this work posits that complex ideas like time often have simple technological origins. We introduce the term chronogenetic institutions to describe the early mechanisms used by human groups for measuring world transformations before (...)
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  45. Introduction.M. Bianet Castellanos - 2019 - In María Bianet Castellanos, Detours: travel and the ethics of research in the global south. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press.
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  46. Ignazio silone: L'utopia E la speranza: A vent'anni dalla morte.M. Castellano - 1998 - Studium 94 (4):607-620.
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    Rosmini e la problematica politico-sociale dell'Europa del 2000.Danilo Castellano (ed.) - 1999 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Saggi di filosofia della politica: temi e problemi della secolarizzazione occidentale.Danilo Castellano - 2021 - Napoli: Edizioni scientifiche italiane.
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    Consentimiento informado: estudio de derecho comparado México-España.Jacqueline Fonseca Castellanos - 2020 - Ciudad de México: Tirant lo Blanch.
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  50. Executive function: is there a central executive?F. Xavier Castellanos, Edmund J. S. Sonuga-Barke, Michael P. Milham & Rosemary Tannock - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (3):117-123.
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